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What age can you start to fence?At Knightsbridge Fencing Club we welcome keen children from the age of 4 upwards. We offer a Foundation Class for children aged 4 – 6 years. Book Now
How many times a week should a child fence?If your child likes to fence for fun then once a week is enough. However, we recommend that any child who would like to compete should train at least 2 or 3 times a week. Professionals fence 5 times a week.
What age can a child start to compete?The youngest age group for fencing competitions in the UK is Under-9, children as young as 6 are allowed to enter the under 9 category. For competition information Click Here
Can an adult take up fencing?Yes, you can start to fence from any age. At the moment we can only offer private lessons for adults.
What type of fencing do you teach?At Knightsbridge Fencing Club we only teach Epee fencing. On request we can arrange for a foil or saber coach to give private lesson to you or to your child. Please contact us by email to arrange it.
What is the difference between Epee, Foil and Sabre?"These are the three styles of fencing one can practice and they each require a different weapon. In fencing, a different weapon means different rules. Epee and Foil fencers use thrusting weapons (they hit the target with the point/button at the tip of the blade) and Sabre fencers use slashing weapons (they cut the target area, with the length of the blade). The target area also differs between weapons. In Epee, you can be hit anywhere on the body, in Foil, the target is only the torso and neck and in Sabre it is the whole upper body. This is why Foil and Sabre fencers wear metallic silver jackets. The main difference between the weapons is that Foil and Sabre require a fencer to have “priority” in order for their hit to score a point (they have to be going forwards or successfully defend an opponent’s attack before scoring). In Epee we have no “priority” so either fencer can score at any point, they can even score a hit at the same time (this is called a double). This makes Epee the purest, more exciting and more interesting when going for hits.
What equipment do I need to start fencing ?We provide all the fencing equipment for a beginner’s first term and subsequently, for reasons of hygiene, we kindly ask you to purchase your own gear. When attending our classes, we ask that you wear thick tracksuit bottoms and indoor sports shoes. A bottle of water is useful. You purchase beginner starter kit: here. You can purchase advanced kit: here
Which epee weapon should I buy?In the UK Under-9 competitions, children use a size 0 blade. Please always check each competition to see if a size 0, size 2 or size 5 blade is required. - right handed (if your child is right-handed) - pistol grip - LP standard epee blade and select size 0 or 2 or 5 - lightweight electric epee guard (If unavailable, you can choose standard or titan as well) - normal epee socket (but it’s up to you, you can choose light weight as well, as it's just a small difference) - pro range epee pad - epee pistol grip - size XS or S as required - nut for metal pistol grip
What shoes are suitable for fencing?Any indoor squash, volleyball, handball or tennis shoes are perfect for fencing. Please make sure you only wear them indoor.
What is the Cancellation Policy?Cancellation Policy Our classes are planned for a limited number of students. For this reason, we regret that fees are not refundable once the term has started and that no refund can be granted for classes not attended. Knightsbridge Fencing Club cannot accept any responsibility for unforeseen changes that may prevent attendance. · All fees are non-refundable. · Membership must be paid in advance and by making the payment you agree to Knightsbridge Fencing Clubs Cancellation Policy. · All payments must be made before each term begins. · If your payments is late there will be a late fee of £50 · Private lessons must be cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the time scheduled. If cancelled later, then full charges applies. · Once you sign up to the term a full payment applies even if you or your child can't attend the class for any unforeseen reason. All memberships are role over to the next term. For any changes we need 6 weeks notice.
Can I make up for missed sessions?Every term, Knightsbridge Fencing Club has a very select number of places in each class. This ensures that our coaches can get the best out of everyone, and can commit to your own /your child’s personal development and enjoyment. We therefore kindly ask members /parents to pay their termly fencing fee(s )in full, in advance, to guarantee themselves /their child a place in the club. Unfortunately, due to limiting our class numbers, if payment is not received, we may have to offer places out to other members. This means that we can both ensure that each class will be full and personalised to our fencers, but also that we can be certain we have enough coaches at each session to support and encourage improvement. Although we appreciate it can be difficult in regards to changing timetables and busy lives, we hope that you understand our request that you commit to particular sessions - we want our fencers to know that in every class they can enjoy themselves, be challenged consistently, progress as individuals, and be part of our dedicated and caring community. Please consider any personal commitments and circumstances that may prevent attendance before enrolling as missed classes cannot be taken at another time.
What are the heating and cooling arrangements at knightsbridgefencing for children classes and private lessons?At knightsbridgefencing, we strive to create a comfortable training environment for all our students. During the winter months, there is heating on site which is typically kept on; however, please note that we do not have direct control over it. In the summer, our facility does not have air-conditioning. Instead, we utilize fans and cross ventilation to maintain airflow and provide relief from the heat. We recommend students dress in layers during colder months and wear lightweight, breathable clothing during warmer months to ensure they remain comfortable throughout their lessons.
Can I still fence if I have asthma?Yes, you can still fence if you have asthma; but please make sure you bring your inhalers and/or medicine with you to training.
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